Our factory 'Fiberglass Works' is located in Wahiawa Town - The Gateway to the North Shore. T&C's 3,000 square foot board facility has much to offer. We stock over 200 boards and have an informed and helpful staff. The factory also stocks selected hard-goods including fins, leashes, deck pads, wax & boardbags, etc. Contact us to order customs or stop in to pick up or order your next board.

Ryan Sugihara
CAPTAIN: Ryan is one of two sons of Craig Sugihara, founder of T&C Surf Designs. He grew up learning about the surf lifestyle and values his father built upon to create the iconic T&C Surf brand. Ryan has a deep and intimate connection and is why he cares so much about the reputation, development and growth of the company. When you talk with Ryan you know he cares and wants the best for all his customers and relationships.
Ryan manages the production of all T&C surfboards at the factory. He ensures quality control and production timelines stay on track for all surfboard orders. He's constantly on top of orders as well as the supply chain to keep the operation running smooth. His passion and years of experience show through with his attention to detail. Every customer order is important to Ryan and he strives to keep the standard T&C has set over the decades. You can follow Ryan on IG @thersugis.

Vance Uribe
FIRST MATE: Vance is Ryan's right hand man (aka assistant manager) and handles most of the duties when it comes to customer service and board production. If Ryan isn't available Vance is your next best bet to answer your questions.
His passion for surfboards runs almost as deep as his love for film and his wife. We don't know where he's storing all the surfboards he's buying (and we're not sure if he's telling his wife). Pick his brain for advice on a board to fit your level, riding style and wave conditions to get you onto a magic stick. He can talk for days on all our board models and loves doing it. Surf stoked grom levels overflowing at the factory on the daily. You can find more on Vance on IG @vanceuribe.